Direct purchasing from Asia

Together with our Chinese partners, we have 15 years of experience working in procurement and supply chain management for medical devices, especially for products coming from China. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many customers could take advantage of this in 2020, as we were able to procure high-quality and certified protective equipment products for them quickly and easily.

The costs for medical products are constantly increasing, in part due to the ever-increasing costs for delivery from Asia. Generally speaking, customers have no choice but to accept these cost increases; this is also due to a lack of transparency in price increases, which cannot be easily understood as a result. On the other hand, there is also increasing cost pressure on purchasing departments to procure products at the lowest possible price-point.

Additionally, the supply reliability of well-known manufacturers has suffered significantly since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to significant additional effort on the part customers to carry out research and seek out alternatives.

For this reason, more and more customers are tasking us with procurement directly from Asia, with no intermediaries, i.e. using their own label (termed “OEM products”) to help set themselves apart from the competition. This process can sometimes mean that products are produced by the same manufacturer as the product acquired from the original manufacturer. Of course, an important aspect here to ensuring conformity with the new MDR Regulation!

Advantages for you

Asian market
Supply bottlenecks can be avoided by establishing access with Asian markets
Traceability for each and every batch
Seamless batch traceability and impeccable compliance with the MDR despite procurement from Asian markets.
Low prices
You can benefit from significantly lower prices through direct procurement from manufacturers in Asia
Simple purchasing
You place orders, just as you are used to doing: then you can leave manufacture, procurement, importing, customs clearance and notifications to us!

It is as simple as that!


Identification of desired products
We meet with you to identify what your requirements are for the directing procurement of products from Asia. In an ideal world, you would provide us with a sample of the original product, and tell us a target price.


Preliminary feasibility analysis
We immediately set about contacting various manufacturers in Asia to find out whether the product can be manufactured for you with the desired specification, as well as in the desired quantity and at the proposed price.


Sample inspection
If you prefer, we can have samples produced for you in advance, and send these on to you.


Ordering incl. cost transparency
We will then set out all the costs involved in a transparent way, right from the manufacturer’s factory to your site.


Provided that everything is in order, you then give us the green light, and we immediately get to work.
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